Sunday, August 4, 2013

And We Are Off and Running....

I have been reading Blogs for several years now. I have my sports ones (, my weather and life ones (, and my education related ones (  Up until this moment I have been a semi-passive bystander. I contribute superficially to a sports related blog and I keep a National Honor Society Blog, but neither is true blogging.

Tonight, I participated in my fourth consecutive Twitter Ed Chat; we call it #iaedchat. If you cannot figure out what the hash-tag means go to and find out for yourselves. It is wonderful! After engaging in great conversations with fellow educators from across the country (and mostly Iowa), I was motivated into creating a blog focusing on School Psychology.

So, I have a blog and a fancy School Psych related name...We shall see where this goes from here. My early guess is that this will be my voice into all things School Psych related on the State (Connecticut) and Federal Level.

Tonight is Step One...let's hope step two comes soon...


  1. Tom,

    Great job my friend. Proud of you! Thank you for being a loyal participant in #IAedchat. I sincerely appreciate it. I look forward to following your work. I am confident many will benefit from what you have to share. - jimmy

  2. Jimmy,

    Thank you for the positive words. One new challenge at a time. I think this will be a great professional tool for more as we enter into a new school-year. I look forward to our Sunday nights. Thank you again!
